Brandon Louis Rimer, 34, of Salisbury, passed away on Saturday, May 2, 2020 of a heroin overdose. He was a beloved son, brother, uncle, and friend. At a very young age, he was in and out of Baptist Hospital for years with constant high fevers, they never diagnosed the cause. We were all so thankful the Lord did not take him then. Brandon was an introvert, he was never the life of the party but always the quiet one. He was however extremely loyal.
He graduated from North Rowan High School in 2004 and attended Davidson County Community College Truck Driving School and received his CDL’s. He traveled all over the country with his companion, a German Shepherd named Soldier. In his younger years he loved to skateboard, ride four wheelers, play video games, and he loved to ride his Ducati motrcycle.
He was preceded in death by his father, Robert “Bobby” Rimer.
Those left to cherish his memories are his mother and step-dad, Kim and Phip Sparger of Spencer; a sister, Angela Rimer of Salisbury; a brother, Aaron and Maria Rimer of Hampstead; his grandfather, Louis Hine of PA; nieces and nephews, Bailey Richardson and Lucy Rimer, and Leona and Daniel Rimer; uncles, Paul Hine of MD, Eric (Amy) Hine of PA, and Randy (Tomella) Rimer of IN; aunts, Mary Ellen Castrop (Tom) of MO, Sandi Hachi of Salisbury; many cousins, and one very special friend that he cherished, James Austin Davis.
I would like to share this from a Mother’s perspective taken from “Tending Dandelions”, You my son don’t know yet, the love a parent has for a child. I didn’t know it, couldn’t know it, till I had you: the bond – the magic – that makes you a part of me. And me a part of you. You pull me along behind you, no matter how far off in the distance you may wander. This path you were on was dangerous, dark and scary, therefore so was my path. My heart dragged in the dust as you walked this path of a million tears and now it is broken in two. The good news is you are finally free from fighting so hard to beat this addiction.
I love you Brandon and I am looking so forward to the day we meet again. Brandon and I were very close through good times and bad. We talked a lot about poverty, homelessness, and addiction. In Brandon’s memory please feed a homeless person and if so inclined strike up a conversation. In closing, please remember Matthew 25:45 “I tell you whenever you refused to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me. James 2:13 “For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.”
If you know someone who is struggling with addiction or has passed away from an addiction, please join us when we open back up at the YMCA – “Rays of Sunshine”. We meet on Tuesday evenings 6:30-7:30. It is a group that you never wanted to be a part of, but I couldn’t make it through this without them and my good friend Goldie Chapman. I am so grateful for their love and support.
Carolina Cremation Salisbury is assisting the Rimer family. Online condolences may be made at www.carolinacremation.com.
Sandi Hache' says
To my nephew Brandon, I don’t claim to understand your addiction but I do hate that it took you from your family and friends. You were always a kind soul and a respectful young man around me and that is how I choose to remember you. You are loved and missed by many.
Treva Ridenhour says
Kim and family so sorry to here this it breaks my heart. I will be praying for the family for comfort in your time of loss I am just a phone call away if anyone needs

Jamie Meng says
Kim, I’m so very sorry! Addiction is an evil cross to bear. My prayers are with you all! Andy and Jamie Meng
Shawn says
I am so sorry about Brandon. I can remember when you were pregnant with him. May God bless and comfort you and your family.
Gary Earnhardt says
Our hearts are so heavy right now. We cannot imagine the pain and grief you all share.
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Joye Haskins says
Dear Kim,
I am so sorry to read the passing of your son. My heart breaks for you and your family.
I’m thinking of you and what you must be going through.
Thoughts and prayers are are being sent at this unbearable time. Love, Joye
Tomella Rimer says
You are in our Prayers, Kim, Angie and Aaron we love you all
Kristi Nisbet says
Oh my word, Kim. My heart is broken for you and your family right now!! It’s been a long road that we hoped wouldn’t come to this. I’m so very, very sorry. Praying for God’s comfort and peace to surround you all. XO Love you, Sister
Sabrina Mackey says
You and your family have my deepest condolences during this time. You all are in my prayers.
Sabrina A. Mackey, MSW, BSW
Danny says
If everyone had to live a month dealing with addiction especially with a Love one and then you would understand how terribly hard it is to beat that addiction and how the drugs rapes your soul, heart and mind to have the strength to beat the addiction. People hooked on addiction can live a normal life until your supply runs out. I helped with a addiction program in a near by city and it open my eyes on what a real problem drugs are. Addiction doesn’t discriminate it effects Bankers, Lawyers, Pastors, School Teachers and just good old people you know and I know. I pray for Brandon and his family in hopes there light at the end of the tunnel. Yes addiction effects bad people but it effects way more good people than anyone wants to recognize. God be with this family
Phyllis Knight says
Kim my condolences.my heart hurts for you and your family.youall are in my prayers
Selena Bell says
Kim, my heart goes out to you and your family. I’m so sorry that Brandon lost his battle with this devastating disease. Praying for comfort and peace in the days to come.
Robin Huden says
Oh sweet Kim. Words cannot convey how sorry I am and how much I hurt for you. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and I’m here to talk if you need it.
Margaret morgan says
Kim, my heart is full of sorrow. I never got the chance to meet brandon, but with an amazing mom like you, he had to have been an amazing son with a heart of gold. We are here for you and will love cherishing all memories you trust to share with us. Hugs and love to you.
Terrie Synesael says
My sweet friend! I just don’t know what to say. I wish I could be there to give you a hug. You have had so much heartbreak in your life. We will be praying for the Lord to give you comfort and strength now and in the days ahead. Please call me anytime if you need someone to listen. Love you my friend.
Carolyn says
Kim my heart breaks for you. I am praying for you and all the people that loved Brandon
Karin Rock says
Dear Kim and family, my deepest condolences on the loss of Brandon. I have no words that can ease your heartache, just please know that if you need anything, I’m here. Believing Brandon has found peace at last.
Kathy Honeycutt says
My heart goes out to your mother. I do know how she feels. I lost a son two of overdose. I wish I could take ur pain away. The hardest thing a mother can do is to let ur son go. Because no matter what they do or get into. They still ur baby ur friend and ur beautiful son. May God be with your mom every step of the way. And Mother to Mother my heart is with you Always. I know your aunt Sandy for a long time. Prayers to her two and to all your family. ???????????????????????? Hugs ????
Jackie Harris says
I do not know you but I certainly admire you. Your willingness to share with others about Brandon’s problem just may save someone else’s life. I have worked in this area and I can assure you, you are not alone. Just keep your eyes on Jesus and he will get you through this. Brandon is in a better place no longer fighting this demon. God bless you and your family.
Gail & Todd Johnston says
Sending love and prayers to you, Kim and family. We are sorry for your loss.
Jean Jenrette says
Kim, I am so so sorry for your loss! I cannot even begin to imagine your grief. I will be praying for peace and comfort for you and your family. Love and hugs to you and your family
Jean Jenrette
Carla says
Oh kim I just heard. My heart is breaking for you. You fought so hard to help him. You were a wonderful mother to that dear sweet boy. This stupid addiction. It’s not our son’s. Just remember what he was before, his loyalty to you, his love for you. He was definitely a momas boy. But all the pain is gone from him now. They just want to be normal again. My god I dont know what to say to you. We have both been going through the samething. Mine gets out of jail may 15. I am terrified. I will keep you in my prayers. Love you dear old friend. Call me if you need to talk.
Jimmy Benson says
Love you
Patti Secreast says
I am so sorry to read about this. I remember him as a quiet, respectful young person with so much potential. I admire u 4 standing with ur son in the tough times and 4 sharing this heartfelt obituary. RIP BRANDON
Genna Livengood says
So sorry for your loss
Kimmie says
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong. Much Love.
Jill Cuba says
So sorry for your loss. We will keep you all in our prayers.
Leasa says
I seen this post on a friends page and thought that I would send my condolences to you & your for the loss of your son over addiction. I to have had this evil brought into my life, a brother to pass away & having to walk away from an 8 year marriage (still married) wondering everyday that I’ll get the phone call. I’m sending my prayers up for you & thank you for sharing your story.
Peggy Godley says
Kim, I am so very sorry to hear about Brandon. My prayers will be with you. Our community will be blessed by your testimony. Thank you for sharing ♥️
Kim Hill says
Kim, I am so sorry for your loss! Your story of Brandon hits very close to home with me. The only difference is my son sits in prison because of his addiction. That may seem like a terrible thing but it’s actually the best thing that could have happened. It is a prayer that has been answered for me from God‘s mercy. His mind is healing and he has been saved. Praise God! Thank you for sharing your precious words of a mother’s broken heart. May God bless you and comfort you.
Kim @ Dr. Washko’s
Ann Adams says
Kim, I’m so sorry, my heart breaks for you. God’s arms of comfort and peace will hold you close. You and your family are in my prayers.
Ann Adams
Anita Mowery says
My heart goes out to you and your entire family. So very sorry for your loss.
Christie Robertson-Ryerson says
I am so sorry for your loss.
Cindy Patterson says
I just read of the passing of your son Brandon. I do not believe that I ever met him. I do want to tell you Kim that I have traveled down the same road as you did. My son was an addict for many years. Your tribute to your son was so beautiful! The heartbreak a mother feels seeing her child go through years of addiction is unbelievable! Through many years of stress and worry my son is at this time a recovered addict. All my love to you and your family at this time . I just felt the need to reach out to you.
Robyn Smith says
So very sorry for the loss of your son. My heart aches for you and your family.
Julie S. Cline says
I do not know you and am very sorry for your loss. I wanted to write because I am so proud to know you through your loving tribute to your son
and open obituary. He had a very special mom and you a very special son.
What a wonderful thing that through your grief you were able to shed a little light others may feel but are unable to express. Someone once shared with me a saying which helped me after my mother’s death. “ When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.”
My family knows to express how I died in my obituary. I often wonder when reading others. Thank you for opening your heart that we may get a glimpse of your son and a treasure he is to you.
Melissa Euchner says
Kim, my heart breaks for you. So much evil in the world and our children are too often the victims. I know Brandon Fought long and hard to overcome this.I keep you and your family in my prayers and I know God is good and merciful and in the end all is well!
In love,
Melissa Euchner
Debi says
Oh Kim, I am so so sorry to hear this! I had no idea that your family was one of many that struggle with this awful addition! My heart goes out to you and am wrapping my arms around you with thoughts and prayers.
Anne Jarrell says
So very sorry for your loss.
Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. May God give you comfort, peace, and strength through this difficult time.
Christine Austin says
I cant even express how this breaks my heart. I watched this man grow up his whole life almost, like a little brother.Kim my prayers are with you. Much love always.
Donna Allen says
We are So Sorry for the Loss of Brandon!Praying for Comfort and Peace for You and Your Family.
Laura mills says
Fly high we love you and deadcate this come back your honor making you proud my dear friend till met again heaven I protect your sister
Shane Hunter says
Kim, my heart goes out to you and your family. I’m so sorry that Brandon lost his battle with this . IT IS A HARD THING TO OVER COME. Praying for comfort and peace in the days to
Mary Ellen and Tom Castrop says
We love you and our hearts are with you always. We will always remember Brandon’s big engaging smile.He was a sweet and gentle man.
Mary Ellen and Tom