Let the family know you care by sharing this tribute.

On April 3, 2009 God gave us the opportunity to love you.
You were the most beautiful baby and little girl. For 4 years we watched you grow into your own personality and your own little lady.
Your smile was contagious everyone fell in love with you immediately. Blonde curls bounced around from your head as you ran thru the yard or throughout the house. The laugh you had is one no one could ever forget. Your goofy sayings and complete love for everything and everyone was amazing. Our world revolves around you. God took you home to be with him on March 13,2014 to heal your body from all the pain and trauma. This world, our world will never be the same without you here with us. Mommy, Nana, Pop-Pop, Daddy, Bladen and Raylen love you BIG Bugg! God gave me you for the ups and downs and always remain the sunshine on our shoulders even on cloudy days! When we cry for you don’t worry my sweet Bugg its only because we miss you and love you BIG!
Kilah Anne is survived by her mommy Kirbi Davenport, her daddy Steven Eremity. Her little big brother Bladen, baby sister Raylen. Her grandparents Leslie and Brian Davenport and Jessie and Rene’ Eremity. Also she is survived by extended family and an enormous amount of loving and supporting friends.
Kilahs Free Flight will be held on Saturday, March 22,2014 at 2:30 at The Oaks Events, 628 Hwy 24/27 in Midland, NC 28107.
In lieu of flowers, Memorials to Kilah Davenport foundation, P.O Box 691147 Charlotte, NC 28227 or
Online condolences can be made to the Davenport family at Carolina Cremation of Salisbury and Charlotte is assisting the Davenport family.
Donna Quales says
Kilah’s life has touched each of us in so many ways. She accomplished so much for one so young. Our hearts were broken when she was hurt and God gave her back for a short while. We celebrated with you in her life and we will be here to hold you in her passing. She is healed completely and celebrating with Jesus! We love each of you and pray daily for you. We are all family as Kilah has brought us all together! We love you!
Terrie Maclean says
I am so sorry for your loss && you will be missed by a lot.
Les Breese says
My heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy are extended to Kilah’s family and friends. May fond memories of Kilah help sustain you through this very sad and difficult time and in the years to come.
Sherry Waddell says
May our Lord hold you tight in His arms sweet angel! No more suffering sweetheart. I pray for peace for Kirby and family. My deep condolences to all!
Tina Whittington says
I am sorry for your loss and praying for the family. Kilah is in heaven spreading that sweet smile of hers around. God Bless you all.
jo wally says
Sweet, sweet Kilah…Godspeed dear child… now have no boundries…fly free you precious angel…
Leslie, Kirbi and family….my love to you…
Amy Plyler says
Your sweet smile and spirit touched many souls here on earth, precious Kilah! You will be missed so much, but we are rejoicing that you can now fly whole and free of pain, sweet little angel!
Ken Nantz says
Brian and family, So sorry for your loss, our
prayers and thoughts are with you.
Ken and Teresa Nantz
Shelia ingram says
I two lost a beautiful grandson to a tragic accident September he was also 4 I know it will be hard after 6 mts it still hurts not to have him here but now he has a playmate in heaven I know they are dancing in the sky rber we will be with them again one day until then just think of all the memories and she will always be with you
mark james says
I have followed kilah’s story and participated and donated n several fundraisers. Etc.. I have two daughters and 11 granddaughters. .. I can not imagine what u r going through but I am praying for u the family !!!!!!! May god bless u all…. LOVE U ALL!!!!!!!
Howard Snow says
I am very sad at the passing of Kilah. I only knew her for a short time but she touched my heart deeply. I call her my little hero because of her fight the child abuse laws in NC were changed and she stayed here long enough to see her abuser punished for what he did. I will never forget my little hero and I know she is healed now and looking down on us. Sleep little angel till we meet again. My thoughts and prayers go to the Davenport family I love you all.
karen locklear says
We love you Kilah… Your smile and strength will leave a mark on alot of hearts….. RIP habitual…
Caitlin & Evan Deaver says
Kilah you will forever be a HERO in my eyes. You’ve done more in your four years then I have in my twenty-five. I remember being so proud when NC passed your law & I know the next step is to make it in all states which I know your amazing family will make sure of. God called you home & now you can dance, run, talk & rejoice again. NO more pain baby just complete bliss is what your feeling. I love you BIG Kilah! Evan saw me crying & I told him about you passing, he saw your picture & said it’s okay mama she’s with papaw in heaven, then said she’s pretty mama. You were beautiful inside & out baby & will missed beyond words. My heart aches for your family but I hope they find comfort that they will see you again & you will greet them at those golden gates. ??
Tammy Brewton says
What more is there to say…. We could spend from now until the end of time talking and remembering this little package of all that is special. I wish that I could help any of u carry the burden of the pain the emptiness and the sorrow. But I know that it is not possible. It only makes since to hurt so bad since u loved her so much. They say time heals, it does get less painful but as u know from other lost loved ones it still is in your heart and mind everyday! It is going to be very hard for awhile. You will have times when you are in a crowded room and feel completely alone. You will wonder if anyone can possibly be hurting as bad as you are! Life tends to go on and you guys will rejoice in the children that Kilah left behind. I’m sure you will see moments of Kilah in each of the babies because after all they were siblings! So although Bladen and Raylen are beautiful children in their own rights maybe Kilah left them a small piece of her soul. She will live on in all of you. She also will live on in the legacy she has left ! Although her physical body left this world way, way to soon, her memory, her curly top, grin from ear to ear will always be remembered. Sadly she will also have to be remembered as a victim of child abuse. But because of her families strength and Kilah’s ability to make a statement about abuse without ever saying a word she left this world as not a victim but a hero! May God bless you mighty mouse! I wonder if your angel wings are purple or pink! God speed! To her family, hold your head up and wipe your tears! Kilah is healed and as a spectator watching the endless and relentless work you have done to put a face on child abuse. .. I honor each and everyone of you.
Mercedes says
I could never imagine in a million years how you are all feeling right now. I want to send all my prayers, love, and respect to the Davenport family. Kilah is dancing in heaven now! She is watching over her family now and she is smiling! From the bottom of my heart I am so sorry for your loss! <3
Sherrie Treece says
I am so sorry for your loss,you are all in my prayers. The one thing that will bring you through this, is one day you will see her smiling beautiful face again. You all will continue to be in my prayers.
Kasey Simpson says
I’m so sorry for your loss kilah was an alway’s will be remembered as a our sweet hero I guess that heaven was needing a angel!! Keeping the davenport family in my thought’s & prayer’s. R.I.P KILAH WE ? YOU BIG
Barbara Beam says
May God bless you and comfort you at this time. I know you are sorry to see her go, but joyful that she is free from pain. Wrap your arms around each other and love on each other.
Susan McNamara says
Kilah was such a true inspiration and trooper… She fought and she conquered..
Please, dont cry, do not be sad.
Treasure the time how ever short we had.
I miss you too, but I can feel your love.
Even up here flying, like a little dove.
I know it seems scary, and you feel all alone.
No one can ever replace me, I was your own.
Your sadness means I was loved every day.
Though you cant see me, beside you I lay.
It takes so much courage, for you to go on.
I know our time together, wasnt very long.
But you now will be stronger for knowing me.
It will be okay some day, you will soon see.
In the times that are hard, remember I am here.
Never far from you watching; always very near.
It isnt fair we have to live so far away.
But dont worry; I hear everything that you say.
I am with you with every step that you take.
Sending reminders I love you, for your sake.
I grew in your world but then slipped away.
Instead now forever in your heart I will stay.
Calvin Wright says
I am very saddened by your loss and my heart and prayers are with all if you. All of you have shown more love for that little girl than anyone could ever imagine. Know that she is lucky to have had all of you in her life, just as you all were lucky to have had her in yours. God bless you all.
Fred sarauw aka tiny says
So sorry to hear about your lost would have love to meet her. Thoughts and prays to her familys and close friends
Jami Ruebel says
Fly with the angels precious Kilah! We love you BIG! You’ll always be watching over us. You may not have known all the supporters you had during your much too short time on this earth, but I know that you do now and can see that angelic smile that I’ve seen in so many pictures!!
Duane Davis says
My love, thoughts and prayers for the entire family. God has a beautiful new angel who will be watching over all who loved and cared so much. Rest In Peace Kilah!! You have made such an impact on so many people.
Debbie Harkey says
Leslie, Brian, and Kirbi you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Will forever see her standing at the fence with a smile on her face those beautiful curls and her little hands out saying hold me. Love y’all
Kimberly Luther says
I am so sorry to hear about Kilahs passing. I have followed the story since I first heard, she was such a strong little girl and fought as long as she could. I cant imagine what y’all are going through. My thoughts are with y’all during this hard time. R.I.P sweet baby, fly high sweet baby. We love you angel.
Ashley Gardner says
I heard about Kilah through friends of your family. My heart has gone out to you all since that day. I can’t imagine the pain your family has gone through and I am so sorry. Your little girl has touched so many hearts, including mine, and has shown us how to be stronger than we can ever imagine ourselves being. She is a true angel, here and there. May the Lord hold you all in his arms and give you the strength to put one foot in front of the other as your hearts heal from this loss.
Pam Dowd says
As I have said in many messages and it doesn’t get any easier for me..I can feel your pain as you allow God to take this precious baby and heal her from all the pain and suffer she has been through even though we know she is in a much better place it still not easy to say Good bye..But just know she is doing everything she has always wanted to do and she will be waiting to see you again with the beautiful smile we can all remember. Kirbi,Leslie,and Brian I am so sorry for the loss and I will have you in my prayers!!!
Donna Cannon says
It’s amazing to me how such a young little being can make such a huge impact on so many people across the world, but she did. It’s amazing to me how such a young little being brought so many strangers together for the same purpose, but she did. It’s amazing how such a young little being can create a law to save so many children in the world, but she did. It’s amazingly wonderful that now that sweet, precious little girl can not be free of pain, sorrow and once again smile and now what a huge difference she made in the world–AND SHE DID!!!
I am so sorry for the families loss and for the loss of everyone that Kilah touched which are far too many to count…please try to find solace in knowing all the good she did in this world the short time she was here. I won’t tell you the cliché of time will make it better, the pain will go on for a long time, but, as your friends have been there during the last year, we will be here now, we love all of you BIG!!!
Bruce Bowden says
…Kirby, Leslie & Family: please know that Tolitha & I are in prayer as you face the days ahead. May you find comfort that comes from God. We will see Kilah again!
Cheryl Martinez and girls says
Prayers to you all. We have you in our hearts, and thoughts from New Mexico. Fly high Kilah!!
Melanie Honeycutt says
I cant imagine what your feeling with the loss of your baby girl. She is beautiful and will remain in yiur hearts and with you through your memories .God bless you and wrap his loving arms around you and He will get you though this one day at a time .God loves you and i’m sure that Kilah is sitting on Jesus taking about how wonderful it is to be in Heaven Melanie
Steven Williams says
I’m so sorry for your loss, and I know that Kilah is in a perfect place which she is gracefully enjoying. My prayers are with you Leslie and your family. Remain encouraged and blessed. You have my families support and love. God Bless you all!
Ashley says
I can not even begin to imagine how it feels to lose a child but my heart aches deeply for miss Kilah & her family. My thoughts and prayers go out to her father, Brian Thomas and his family along with her mother & her family <3 Just know she is no longer in pain & she is happy.
Scotty Thomas says
See ya when I get there and want need permission sorry I couldn’t be in your life . I remember the first time I saw you at Taco Bell I wish I knew then that you where my granddaughter but I had to find out when you where in the hospital I will never forget when your mom ask me what did I want you to call me and I said what ever she want to . Them your mom bless her heart let me hold your hand and said Kilah this is your papaw Scotty I hope and wish you heard her but to me it was like you just entered this world and I was a new grandfather again no one can take that feeling from me I love you just like my other grandbabys just wish I had the chance to show it love ya mean it see you at the pearly gates !!!!!!!
David Mingus says
Dear Princess Kilah,
Ever since I’ve been a member of TeamKilah, I have been a part of something way bigger than I ever could be. We will never know the names and faces of the children you short time here on earth has helped, because they will never make the 6:00 news. Only God knows their names. You have earned your wings little one. Fly high in Heaven. When I get there I will take you on a motorcycle ride, it’s going to be fun.
Love You Big Kilah Bug
Dawn Grayson -Scales says
Precious sweet Kilah, Beautiful angel and love bug Jesus called you home sweetheart and that’s where you are, home. You’ll never have to hurt again you’ll never have to cry again you’ll only be happy & dancing in heaven for eternity now. I’ve asked Why so many times, Why did you have to go through what you went through. I don’t have an answer yet but I know that one day I will , I’ll understand.. And precious sweet Love Bug you did more in 4 years here on this earth then someone who will have been here a 104 years . We love you and we will miss you but we will see you again. See ya later Angel ….
Mark & Robin Barbee says
We are so sorry for the loss of Kilah! She was a very beautiful girl! We know she is in a much better place! Our thoughts and prayers are with all the family!!!
C Woods says
My condolences for the loss of this lovely little one. May the almighty comfort and give you strength in this difficult time. John 11:23-26 is so comforting to read.
Jill Swain says
Love to all of you…..
Alivia Hudson says
I had only met Kilah once when I went with my mom Tonya to see her at the hospital. Just from that one experience she brightened my whole day. she was and still is a beautiful precious little girl. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ll be praying for peace and comfort for your whole family.
yadira olsen says
My condolences for the loss of this lovely little one. May the almighty comfort and give you strength in this difficult time. John 11:23-26 is so comforting to read
Benny & Jill Clark says
Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family.
Jessica Teeter says
Kilah you have entered into America’s heart. I am sorry for the pain that you have endure here on earth. Now you are living amongst the heavenly father and his angels. I know your celebrations are beyond what words can express. You are no longer suffering. Rest in heaven sweet baby!! You will be missed.
Janice Joye says
Brian and Family. Please know that we are thinking of you all and hoping you will find comfort in special memories of Kilah everyday.
Michelle Santiesteban says
Kilah, I didn’t know you but you were very special in life.
Terri says
How come so many moms let the wrong man in to their homes where innocent children are living?