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Pauline Hinson Stein, 91, of Albemarle passed away on Tuesday May 12, 2015 at Stanly Regional Medical Center surrounded by family. Ms. Stein was born on July 16, 1923 in Stanly County to the late Oscar Hinson and Nettie Whitley Hinson.
Pauline was a member of Prospect Baptist Church in Albemarle and cared deeply for her church. She enjoyed watching westerns, reading, and gardening. She loved to work in her garden and she was always canning foods for her friends and family.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her husband, Joe Stein; a brother, Adam Hinson; and a sister, Zillian Poplin.
She is survived by her daughter, Mary Guinn of Albemarle; two grandchildren, Mary E. Owens and fiance Kacie Martin of New London, and Martha Owens Rector of Albemarle; and three great grandchildren, Marley Burgos, Savannah Bailey, and Anya Bailey.
There are no services scheduled at this time.
Carolina Cremation of Salisbury and Charlotte is assisting the Stein family of Albemarle. Online condolences may be made at
Jesse Owens says
It was socking to get the call on Monday the 11th. As Martha & I had just park in the parking lot of my doctors and Marry said that Grandma was at the hospital thought she had a stroke,After her surgery that day little did we know she would be in the Arms Of Her Savior at 8:05 Tuesday morning. She was a wonderfull Grandmother to our daughters ,Martha LeeAnn & Mary Elizabeth Owens. (RIP) Ma Polly.
Tiffany Tyner says
I am so sorry for yalls loss if you need me please call or message me my thoughts and prayers are with the family
Mary Beth Owens says
I love you Grandma <3 I miss you so much. That song you would sing, "Mansion Over the Hilltop" came into my mind so hard today. I listened to it a lot and it helped me a little today. I remember you singing it a lot, that was one of your favorites. I'm so happy and I thank God for the time we had with you…all of these years and all of these memories, I will cherish them for as long as I live. I thank God that we got to talk to you before your surgery, you told us to be careful and I'll see you later sweet potatah, you always said that. I thank God that I have videos so I can still hear you tell me you love me. I thank God that you are not in pain anymore, and you are walking on streets that are purest gold….you can walk again grandma! I love you grandma <3 I'll see you later sweet tater!
Mary Beth Owens says
I miss you grandma. I love you so much, but I know you are in Heaven and walking again and singing and having all sorts of fun. You’re not in pain anymore. I thank God for all the years we’ve had together. I thank God for taking you home. I miss you and I love you grandma. See you later sweet tater <3
Mary Beth Owens says
I miss you grandma and I love you.
Beth says
I wish you were here grandma. So much has changed. I met someone…we’ve been together almost two years. We’re getting married on May 17 of this year. I remember you always use to tell me that you would dance at my wedding. I wish you could. I know you’re with me, always…I just wish you could be here. I miss you so much. I love you grandma.
Mary Beth says
Hey grandma!
I got married! You would LOVE Becky…she’s smart, she’s strong, she’s beautiful, she’s a hard worker and she’s always making sure I’m happy. I know one thing you would mention, if you had known her, would be her eyes. She has the most beautiful eyes ever!
Once again, things have changed…a LOT. We did something crazy…we quit our jobs and started working for ourselves! It was scary, and there are times that it still is scary but it was worth it. We started our own little business at home and it’s been doing really good. We’ve got everything in order and we’re keeping track of everything on paper and electronically. Becky does so good with the sales, she does great with keeping up with all of that. It’s AMAZING!
We still live in the mountains…I still love it there, grandma. I know you would love it too! We have a garden every year and last year I started canning haha but that didn’t turn out too well. It’s ok though because there was a lot that I could freeze so I did!
We’re at the Outer Banks right now, we will be leaving pretty soon. We come out here pretty often. Soon, we are going to be getting a house out here, we’ve been looking into that lately.
Mary Ann passed away not too long ago…I know y’all are talking up storms right now. Tell her I miss her too. I miss us all sitting in her kitchen and just talking.
I better get off here grandma, I love you! I miss you! I’ll see you later sweet tater!
Mary Beth says
Hey grandma!
I love you and I miss you ♥️ We’re still working for ourselves. It’s nice being able to take off whenever we want to. We can start the day whenever we want and stop whenever we want. I know you’d be proud ♥️ And by the way….I can’t believe I forgot to tell you this before but Martha went back to school and got her GED! She sure did! I’m so proud of her! That was a couple years ago. And she also has her license now 🤣 can you believe little ol martha is driving around!? Bless her heart, she really did it! Her, mama and Marley lived in Tennessee for a while. It was a cute place about 20 minutes from me in the mountains. But they moved back to Albemarle a couple years ago. They have a beautiful brick house. Oh my goodness, you should see it! They have a huge basement too. Martha has a fiancé now too…his name is Jason. They’ve been together for a while now. He has two children and they’re awesome. The younger daughter is 15 now I think…but her and Marley are best friends. He has an older daughter but she’s going through transition now and will soon be a man. I’m proud of him for becoming who he truly is. I’m gonna try to go hunting today…hopefully I will start getting deer soon and maybe even some squirrel and rabbits 😃 that would be great! I love you grandma ♥️ I’ll see you later sweet tater!
Mary Rominger says
Your birthday is coming up grandma 😃 I miss you so much and I love you!
Beth says
Christmas is Monday grandma ♥️ we h da be gotten a little bit of snow but, it wasn’t much. Do you remember that snow we had that one year? I was in highschool and I was dating that boy named Zeb 🤣 good lord! Remember all that snow we got? Me and Martha went outside and made as many snow balls as we could make and threw em as far as we could 🤣 it was fun! Then we got worn out. I think that was the same time our power went out. Mama cooked on that kerosene heater and made sure we all had something to eat. We were truly snowed in 🤣 that was fun! I wish we would get a snow like that again. You would really love where I live now grandma. We use a wood stove for heat. So if our power ever goes out, we still have heat and a way to cook. You would love it ♥️ I wish you were here grandma ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Christmas is Monday 😊♥️ I love you and miss you ♥️♥️♥️ see you later sweet tater
Beth says
Happy birthday grandma!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ I ate a cucumber sandwich for you today ☺️ I wonder what you’re doing right now. I miss you and I love you!! ♥️♥️♥️ I’ll see you later sweet tater!
Beth says
Hey grandma!
I wanted to tell you that I love you and I miss you. We had a bad storm up here a few months ago. It was Hurricane Helene. It ended up flooding our area. Western NC got hit really bad. We made it, thank God. We had no power for a long time, but we did have the generator and made a fire to cook food. We didn’t have any telephone or cell phone service and no internet for a while either. So I had no way of contacting martha and mama but we finally were able to make it to town and would talk to them for a few minutes before heading back home. It was like we were in an apocalypse 😆 but like I said, we made it! We have been without a Walmart since it happened…they’re suppose to open half the store on December 20 and then a full open sometime in January 2025. It’s been crazy grandma. I miss you sweet tater ♥️ and I love you!
Beth says
Hey grandma!!
They opened Walmart just in time for Christmas shopping. They still don’t have the frozen, refrigerated, deli and produce parts opened yet…I don’t know when that will be opened but 😆 I wish they’d go ahead and get it done! I’m thankful they’ve got people working on it and they’re doing a god job. Things like this just take time ya know? We had some rain on and off the last few days and it’s caused random places up here to be flooded again. Lots of trees fell over, and some places where the ground was still unsteady causing landslides, a lot of people are without power again. It’s scary, but we are doing good! Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day ♥️♥️♥️ and Marley has an interview tomorrow at Stanly Community College to attend early college! You’d be so proud of her grandma, she’s so smart and so sweet. I’m so glad y’all got to meet and had some time together before you went home ♥️ I still have photos and videos. I will let you know how it goes! Did I tell you that mama had to have her big toe amputated? She got a cut on got really bad. Sheeeww 😬 there was an actual hole there, so they took it off! But don’t worry, mama is doing a lot better now. She can walk around just fine and she’s actually a lot more active than she was before. Martha is her home nurse now! Martha works at a gym and then goes home to look after mama. She really loves it.
I better get off here before I ramble on too much 🤣 I love you grandma and I miss you ♥️♥️
Later sweet tater!